Saturday, May 28, 2016

Road trip - Part 1

I ended up with an unexpected road trip last week - the chance to meet up with my parents at our cabin in Northern California.  700 miles?  No problem! I spent the night in Medford and made it to the cabin mid-afternoon the next day.

The drive south had amazing scenery.  I guess I should have cleaned the windshield first.

It was a little cloudy at the Mount Shasta viewpoint.

Meet Stitch

Meet my welcoming committee.  He likes to steal socks and shoes.  No one was safe.....But he's so cute and he loves an adventure.

The Lake Tahoe Software Development Company headquarters, or our family's cabin.  Cabin is a loose term.  It's a four bedroom, two bath 1,400 square foot house on 5 acres.

Did I mention the views?

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